The price is expensive?
Tired with rashes and manual pumping?
Don't Worry..
We would like to invite you to join "kutu Scheme" for Cloth Diapers and Spectra 3 breast pump machine.
Term & Conditions:
Cloth Diapers:
- Min 5 person
- RM 83.00 / per month / per person (include postage) - save 11%
- 10 pcs CD per person
- payment has to be made before 5th every month.
- Delivery will be made after all payment received.
Spectra 3:
- Min 5 person
- RM122.00 / per month / per person
- Every person will get a set of spectra 3 machine which is include:
---Spectra 3 breastpump Moms Precious traveler bag
---Moms Precious cooler bag
---3 ice packs
---Extra Spectra breast shield set (for double pumping)
---1 Spectra bottle and 6 Moms Precious breastmilk storage bottles with 2 sipped cup
-payment has to be made before 5th every month.
-Delivery will be made after all payment received.
Should you have any inquiry about this scheme, please feel free to contact us.